- Cashman | Preload Cryogenics (CPC) completed the design and construction of a precast,
- prestressed concrete secondary containment wall for a 7,500-cubic-meter (2.0 million gallons) fullcontainment LNG storage tank (26.52 meters in diameter by 19.3 meters tall).
- The design includes a concrete raft foundation constructed on ground improvement elements.
- Precasting of the secondary wall panels was performed off-site concurrently with ground
- improvement installation and raft foundation construction.
- The wall panels were transported to the site, erected, and braced in-place over a 7-day period.
- Fabrication and erection of the ASTM A-516 carbon steel dome and suspended ceiling was performed concurrently with construction of the outer wall.
- The Inner Stainless Steel tank was completed over the winter in a “dried-in” condition.